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Brizzy nurses thread

Guest Mark and Jo

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Guest NicNox85

Hello :-) Student Nurse and need advice!


Hello :biggrin:


My name is Nicola and I live in Guildford (Surrey) in England.


I would like some advice regarding emigrating to Brisbane. I am 25 years old and currently in my 2nd year of a 3 year Nursing Qualification course and have been working as a Health Care Assisstant at my local hospital for the last 12 months.


I have always hoped to live abroad, since being a young child. I feel that Australia (especially Brisbane) has all that I am looking & hoping for: the glorious weather, career opportunities and its great to meet other expats. However, when I was 18; I was convicted of Theft and therefore have a criminal record.


As it was 8 years ago and would be over 10 years ago when I qualify as a Nurse, does anyone think it will be a problem when I want to apply for emigration to Perth (my preferred choice).


Also, when is the best time to start the ball rolling for my application? I hope to qualify in July 2012, would it be beneficial to start asap?


I look forward to any advice given.



Nicola :biggrin:


ps: Does anybody recommend any good Migrant Agents?

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Guest nikki macdonald
hi nicola not really sure about the conviction best speak to an agent about it there s a good 1 look up immigration to oz if your goin on a working visa alot of the hospitals will help by the way this is nikki s hubby john niks at work so reply d on her behalf hope this helps
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Guest NicNox85

Thank You John for your prompt relpy, I really appreciate it. I will definitely get in touch with an agent. Just another quick question: when did you and Nikki apply for the visa? When are you hoping to move to Oz? Hope you dont mind me asking questions.


Nicola :biggrin:

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Guest nikki macdonald
Hiya Nicola its nikki were hoping to go next year just trying for registration now can't get a visa untill we get that. Look on AHPRA website im not 100% but i think you can do some of your nurse training over in oz one of my friends did it its worth looking into xx Are you on face book if you are give me your name and i will speak on there im on there more.
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Guest NicNox85

Hello Nikki


I appreciate all you help and advice. I do have Facebook you are more than welcome to add me, my username is: nicola.chamberlain1

It would be great to stay in touch and hopefully become good friends.

Thats great: I will definitely look into doing some of my training over there, the graduate Programmes look good.


Look forward to speaking to you soon




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Neonatal Nurses




We are hoping to move to the Brisbane area later this year, awaiting visa.


Have a few questions,


Does anyone know of the best hospitals for neonatal units?


I have had a look at the Mater hospital and would like to know what people think of the Mater as an employer? incentives, benifits etc.


can any nurses originally from the uk share your experiences of working in an Australian neonatal unit, shift patterns, uniform etc


thanx :rolleyes: RGL24

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  • 1 month later...
Guest jamesnparry

ANMC waivering ielts for uk nurses??


:smile:Hi guys

has anyone heard of the above. Met an aussie recruiting agent last week at an expo in Birmingham. He's says the announcement is imminent and to keep an eye on the ANMC website. Not sure whether DIAC would still need it though! I'm booked onto an IELTS in April so may as well still do it. Just means if they do waive it I can apply for the skills assessment sooner. For anyone revising for IELTS (and you do no matter how proficient you think you are!) check out this website.

www.elc.polyu.edu.hk/IELTS/ Along with the books I've bought, I'm finding it a great revision tool.

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Guest hugh&isis
Thanks for this, i (Isis) am taking the test on the 12th of March and really freaking out!!! so revising it. Trying to keep positive about it but not as simple as most people think even if you are english speaking, how did others find it and is it passable??
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  • 11 months later...
Guest the scottish smiths
hi folks, I’m Gordon, heading out to OZ in the next few month, awaiting my AHPRA reg, applied for it 5 weeks ago and they recon 2-3 month @ the Brisbane office just now so i am going to start looking for a job in the next 4 weeks, any advice on interviews would be fantastic, I’m a forensic RMN with almost 6 year experience, not sure if i want to stay in forensic but time will tell.
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  • 1 month later...
Guest aliciaf
There's also a huge busway next to Greenslopes Private and a transfer minibus that takes you up there every 15 minutes it's great...or you could just walk. Nearest train station is Buranda...bit of a walk! Its in the suburbs but it less than 10 minutes from the city on a bus.
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Guest aliciaf
Perhaps you should consider getting to Australia via sponsorship. It's a much quicker, easier and less expensive process. Once you register with AHPRA (takes on average 6-8 weeks depending which office you send it to for processing: Darwin & Adelaide are the quickest) and either go through an agency like Nurse Jobs Australia or apply directly to hospitals and get sponsored on the 457 visa (which takes around a month to process).
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Guest Annaliese




Im a newbie to this but am due to qualify in a few months. Ive taken the adult nursing degree (for my sins, a nightmare with 3 kids) and am looking at a move down under in the next few years.

Any advice????

I have an Army hub who is due to come out in 2 years and 3 mini munchkins. 2, 5 and 6.

Thanking you

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  • 3 months later...
Guest khm1981



I am a nurse that's worked in Occupational Health (in heavy industry) for the last 6 years (prior to that Oncology), we are moving to the Sunshine Coast in the next few months on a PR visa, just wondering what jobs are out there? I want to work part-time as I have a baby and was thinking about elderly care or even a GP's surgery if I can't get any occy health work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated?


Thanks, Kath :biggrin:

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  • 1 month later...
Guest nicmeg
Hi all I am moving to Brisbane next week very excited. We are moving on my husbands sposorship 457 visa. I have had my medical as part of the visa as I stated I would prabably intend to practice once I have sorted all the childrens schooling out and looked at childcare for my youngest (age 2). I have spent hours looking through the internet on what I need to do but its just a minefield,lol. I know I need to contact the AHPRA but not sure where to start. I am a mental health nurse and could really do with some advice on whats needed to be done. I will have some time as I am probably not looking to go back to work till January although if all sorted before then and if there is a Job then I will go for it. Thank you all, Nichola,x
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  • 1 month later...
Guest KirstHelloKitty



I am a BAND 5 nurse in the UK and have been a nurse for 15 months, I have started applying for jobs in Brisbane as I now have my registration to practice nursing in Australia (finally!!!) and just wanted to check what grade I am in Oz if I am Band 5 in the UK. I'm worried i'm looking at the wrong jobs so any info would be appreciated.




Kirst :) xx

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  • 5 months later...
Guest Redski26
Hiya im nikki and awaiting to take my ielts test but keep getting conflicting answers is it the academic test you take because the university dosn't seem to know. Im a nurse and my partner a roofer we have a 2yr old. Im hoping to book the 17th of April to sit it. x[/quote


Hi Nikki if your a nurse you MUST sit the ACADEMIC Im sitting on April 13th Good Luck :-)

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Guest Redski26
I am a senior community public health nurse (or in AUS chld and family nurse) does anyone think my chances of this field are positive or should I go back to my roots of surgical nursing? I am a single mum so I would defo need daytime hours i.e. what I have here Mon-Frid 8-4 or 9-5 so Im not spending ALL my wages on childcare :-( Any advice or suggestions would be fab!!!!! Im looking at Hervey Bay area x
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  • 1 month later...
Guest samdom1

:smile:Hello fellow nurses...

Firstly can I say Thankyou for a positive friendly forum!!

I am becoming a little disheartened as I am reading on several other forums that the nursing jobs in Brisbane area are all vanishing fast? I am an aged care Practice Development Sister (Clinical Educator) here in England with twenty years RGN experience in acute hospitals. I am in the process of gaining my permanent residency visa and am aiming to move over with my hubby and two teenage children early next year...

Whats the position in terms of nurse recruitment, are there any permanent clinical nurse positions and if so, should I consider the advice of others and not mention my Englishness in my C/V as this appears to be a potential blocker in recruitment???

If you have any positive points or strories to share re Nursing please let me know

Thankyou kindest regards


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  • 4 months later...
Guest Dancing flower

Hi.. I'm a practice nurse with almost 6yrs exp and hoping to come to Brisbane, i have my eligibility for AHPRA & I'm in the process of starting my PR visa. I'm always checking jobs on Seek.com and there don't seem as many practice nurse posts as there is in other areas. Are there any other PNs out there who can offer me advice?

Thanks :-))

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Guest carlhall
Hi.. I'm a practice nurse with almost 6yrs exp and hoping to come to Brisbane, i have my eligibility for AHPRA & I'm in the process of starting my PR visa. I'm always checking jobs on Seek.com and there don't seem as many practice nurse posts as there is in other areas. Are there any other PNs out there who can offer me advice?

Thanks :-))




Sorry I am not a nurse but I think you may find your biggest problem could be that everyone tries to get to Brisbane and there are only so many jobs available and they can soon get flooded with applications, (this is the same for a lot of occupations). I would suggest you take a look at towns and cities further up the coast and see what is available in places such as Bribie Island, Hervey bay, Bundaberg, Mackay or even further north towards Cairns. A lot of these places are always complaining they need qualified nurses (Not sure about practice nurse) there are some very beautiful places just up the coast from Brisbane and you may find these would be ideal for you.

I hope you manage to find a suitable job ....:biggrin:

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