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Brizzy nurses thread

Guest Mark and Jo

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Guest allsopps3
Any Brizzy nurses can post questions/advice here! Specially for us!

Hi, Jo.

Can I ask you and any other Brisbane nurses if the credit crunch has affected nurse recruitment in any way? I read a post on another forum that someone had heard of nurses having their hours reduced and carers being laid off...?

This would be the nail in the coffin of our plans if so:frown:



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  • 1 month later...
Guest magic

Nurses in Brisbane


Hi, i have been nursing here for 3 years and know lots of nurses, all of which are employed and continue to work the hours they choose. As a family we have felt no effects financially. Infact i have just had a nice pay rise!

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Guest allsopps3

Thanks, Magic.

Where abouts are you working? I've just accepted a job offer at Greenslopes and wondering if I've done the right thing??



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Guest linds
ive just accepted a job a brisbane private hospital. anyone know what they are like to work for or what reputation they have??:eek:linds x
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Guest magic

Nursing in Brisbane


Nursing here is very different to the UK - sorry the medical system is different i should say not really nursing. In the UK my speciality was palliative care which i was hoping to do here. I was open minded and looked around on arrival. I popped into Redlands public and private hospital and spent some time with a nursing sister asking questions.


With no local hospice i happened to pop into a GP practice and again nose around and ask questions. A practice manager of a local GP's offered me work there and then! try and see. Three years later..........i love it, great hours no weekends and no nights. I have topped up my degree with an Aussie qualification and now practice independently in a GP'S. Totally different role and so varied, we do surgery,trauma,womens health, baby care, wounds, health plans, home visits and now teaching.


What i have seen of the hospitals here they are very clean, organised and give great care. Greenslopes is located in the city, its busy and parking a problem at times but the train is an option...pending where you are living. Good look everyone and if i can help with anything just shout. xxxxxxxxxxxx :wink:

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  • 4 months later...
Guest theaylingsdownunder
Nursing here is very different to the UK - sorry the medical system is different i should say not really nursing. In the UK my speciality was palliative care which i was hoping to do here. I was open minded and looked around on arrival. I popped into Redlands public and private hospital and spent some time with a nursing sister asking questions.


With no local hospice i happened to pop into a GP practice and again nose around and ask questions. A practice manager of a local GP's offered me work there and then! try and see. Three years later..........i love it, great hours no weekends and no nights. I have topped up my degree with an Aussie qualification and now practice independently in a GP'S. Totally different role and so varied, we do surgery,trauma,womens health, baby care, wounds, health plans, home visits and now teaching.


What i have seen of the hospitals here they are very clean, organised and give great care. Greenslopes is located in the city, its busy and parking a problem at times but the train is an option...pending where you are living. Good look everyone and if i can help with anything just shout. xxxxxxxxxxxx :wink:

so would you recommend taking courage and just turning up to visit without actually knowing if there is a job going? Something I would prefer as I work in the older age group, and expect to look at the elderly villages of the Sunshine Coast.... and really cant tell from websites whether they are as marvellous as they make out !


Any knowledge of the elderly care system in QLD? Do you know anyone who works in such a place for brain picking? ;-)


I toured a large teaching hospital in Sydney with a nursing colleague and was so impressed to see laundry in the cupboard; patients with enough pillows for comfort; and nurses actually taking their required meal breaks without living on coffee and kitkats ! And the biggest positive I saw for the patient is they are assisted with a shower every day (unless too sick)..hows that for self esteem when not well ?!


i'm sure there are many more positives to the health system in Oz. I really hope so in the area of elderly care.








visa approved May 08; verified Nov 08; leaving UK before the new Oz school year in 2010.

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  • 5 months later...
Guest The Gore Family
Any Brizzy nurses can post questions/advice here! Specially for us!



Hi guys

we are new here so just getting to know how things work


we are the Gore family of 5 Kids 17 13 5 my wife is a midwife and we are looking for work for her at moment do you have any ideas of where to look for this ? what the hospitals are like & where the baby unit ones are


any help or info you can give would be helpful


sorry for all the questions hope you can help


all the best


David & Heather

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  • 1 month later...
Guest gingerdingo
Hi guys

we are new here so just getting to know how things work


we are the Gore family of 5 Kids 17 13 5 my wife is a midwife and we are looking for work for her at moment do you have any ideas of where to look for this ? what the hospitals are like & where the baby unit ones are


any help or info you can give would be helpful


sorry for all the questions hope you can help


all the best


David & Heather

Hi, we are in the same boat and paddling the same uphill river. The wife is a nurse and we have just started the visa process - using an agent. We are a family of four with 2 girls aged 13 & 11 living in the Nottingham Derby borde and looking to move to north brisbane .Julie takes the IELTS in early April looking to be all done and dusted with the paperwork by the end of year. Now we are currently trying to raise the state sposorship!. What stage are you. Would be good to keep in touch



Nick 42, Julie 42(RGN) Libby 13 & Alice 11

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Guest nikki macdonald
Hiya im nikki and awaiting to take my ielts test but keep getting conflicting answers is it the academic test you take because the university dosn't seem to know. Im a nurse and my partner a roofer we have a 2yr old. Im hoping to book the 17th of April to sit it. x
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Guest The Gore Family

The Gore family on our way


Hi, we are in the same boat and paddling the same uphill river. The wife is a nurse and we have just started the visa process - using an agent. We are a family of four with 2 girls aged 13 & 11 living in the Nottingham Derby borde and looking to move to north brisbane .Julie takes the IELTS in early April looking to be all done and dusted with the paperwork by the end of year. Now we are currently trying to raise the state sposorship!. What stage are you. Would be good to keep in touch



Nick 42, Julie 42(RGN) Libby 13 & Alice 11


Hi guys good to hear from you i have not been back on this site for a while as it has been very busy for us.


We leave 0n the 30th June looking at going to Redcliffe, to live Heather has job interview for hospital about 40 km away & this area looks good for the kids with schools & beach & house prices dont seem too high.


We started this process in December 2008 as Heather was 45 in the March 2009.


we used Irish Bentley lawyers who i can say are very good but you have to stay on top of them, but thats the same here.


We have PR visa which with all the visa issues there are now i am glad we have this??


you say Julie is taking the IELTs test in April please make sure it is the Academic one as Heather did the general one and was then told she had to take the Academic one for Queensland nursing as they will only accept this one.


We have 3 kids Sam 17 Rachel 13 & Ethan 5


Have you had any info regarding the visa issues which have started about 4 weeks ago??

Have been talking to some friends who went out 2 years ago on student visa & they are having alot of trouble staying in the country, and said it is affecting all visa's ??


We live in Mansfield so maybe not too far from you? if you want any help please feel free to Pm us & we can have a chat & maybe meet up before we go.


Good luck & all the best



David Heather & Kids:biggrin:

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Guest The Gore Family

Hi Nikki


Hiya im nikki and awaiting to take my ielts test but keep getting conflicting answers is it the academic test you take because the university dosn't seem to know. Im a nurse and my partner a roofer we have a 2yr old. Im hoping to book the 17th of April to sit it. x



Hi Nikki


all i can say is that my wife is a midwife we are moving to Queensland & to get registered with the Queensland nursing council which she must do to be able to work in Queensland she has had to do the Academic test, even though she did the general one which she was told would be enough. So do the academic test then you know you do not have any problems.


Good luck & all the best



David & Heather:rofl:

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest LynnJohn

Hi Nikki, It is the academic test they require, this is a new thing by the ANMC which requires all nurses with overseas qualifications to sit one. Once you have sat it, it takes 2-3 weeks for results. I sat it in the UK. If I can give you any advice it would be to prepare yourself well for the test, especially the reading part - buy the practice materials and go over them so you get a feel for it.


Good luck


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Guest Ste&Lisa

Hi! I'm hoping to get a graduate position when i qualify in 2 years (midwife) We are hoping to live near Brisbane or the Gold coast as thats where there seems to be work for Ste. Would this be commutable or would it be best looking for family areas nearer the hospital? Also does anyone know if this is the only public maternity hospital up there, not getting very far on google!




Lisa x

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest LynnJohn
Hi there, if you are looking for work as a midwife, try the Mater Hospital in Brisbane. I work in NICU there and lots of my colleagues commute to work from the Gold Coast, also there is the Royal Brisbane Womens. There's also a maternity unit at the Gold Coast Hospital, and the hospital itself is being rebuilt bigger (due ito be completed in 2012). Most units work 12 hour shifts usually 7 - 7 so traffic is never a problem. If you want to live close to the city try East Brisbane or Bulimba which are lovely areas. Happy job hunting!, regards Lynn
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Guest Sparrow

Hi Niki, my name is Gemma, me and the hubby are moving down under wanna settle in northern brisbane in November. Weree are you planning to live? Did you manage to sit the test? How do you think you did? seems mad being english but its one of the crudentials, nay mind!!

I have got my IELTS on 28/29 may gonna start revising soon for it.. then can apply to the QNC, it'll be lovely to hear back with what your up too and how your getting on with it all xxx

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Guest kimico

Hi guys,


Just thought i would introduce myself. I am about to re register with the NMC after 4 years out, with the plan of gaining some recent experience over here then move to Brisbane. I have just been offered a job in Manchester which is great. The journey starts here and is very exciting, just about to book my english test.


Good luck with all your preparation.


Kim x

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Guest Rhian
Hi! I'm hoping to get a graduate position when i qualify in 2 years (midwife) We are hoping to live near Brisbane or the Gold coast as thats where there seems to be work for Ste. Would this be commutable or would it be best looking for family areas nearer the hospital? Also does anyone know if this is the only public maternity hospital up there, not getting very far on google!




Lisa x


Hi, I am in exactly the same position as you. I qualify in 2 years and me, my hubby and two children want to move to qld as soon as I qualify so on a graduate programme. If u have any info on this or know where I can gain info on these programmes and sponsorship could you let me know? Also, can we begin the visa process if get a job offer as a graduate as we are still students at mo?


Thanks for any advice :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest hugh&isis



hi there Mark and Jo, just posted a thread before seeing this thread, am a nurse looking to move to Brisbane, how much are the nurses earning , i have 5 years experience am a medical nurse, hoping to move in a year or 2 so starting to prepare now and do as much research before we make our final decision. we have a 5 month daughter so what are the shifts like and whats child care like, she'll be 2 - 3 years when we come, know this is premature but we like to plan things carefully. Also what is the salaries after tax so we have an idea of what our income is verses expenses.

Thanks so much for any input.:smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest nikki macdonald
not been on bib for a while had a couple of busy months got married in may an just come back from egypt ment to book my test before we went but was to busy so in the process now how did you get on with yours hope you passed
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  • 1 month later...
Guest wondering aloud

Hi all, new to this site. I am a midwife, have a job offer at the mater mothers on the public postnatal floor, and they are sponsoring me on the 457. Can't go for pr as won't have enough points until next January :-( but they are offering a relocation package so swings and roundabouts I guess. They do a graduate programme there's details on their website about it, I know the ramsay groups do the same but in my experience of job hunting they seem to prefer it if you are dual qualified rather than midwife only like I am.

We have a house to sell before we move but as of yesterday we have had an offer, so am all all excited but nervous too! It's starting to hit me the enormity of what we are doing, and there's obviously loads to sort out, but hopefully worth it in the end.


Anyway am happy to answer any questions if anyone has any, not that I know much myself! Will probably be consulting the wisdom of plenty of brains on here over the next few months!



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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest nikki macdonald
sorry not been on bib for a while had lots goin on had my test results of my test and passed all except the reading got a 6 so rebooking in sept how did you get on with yours
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  • 2 months later...

Hey, im a 17 year old A level student. My mum is a qualified registered nurse. due to this our family were accepted for PR visa. now all validated and the clock ticking, all we need to do is for me to finsih school, and for the house to sell.


However, if things dont go to plan, i still want to move. i have just been accepted for a job being an aged care assistant. This will be great experience, and will also give me the oppotunity to gain caring qualifications, *NVQs etc...,


can anyone tell me if i, with this experience and the qaulifications, will get me a possible job within aged care hostpital/Homes?



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