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Guest jen/nee

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Guest jen/nee

Hi All


Where have you all gone? Nobody seems have been on here for a few days!!! My O/H has asked me to ask if anybody is or knows any welders over in OZ. He would like to know your views on the trade he is under no illusions but would like some views on the job down under can anyone help.





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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest GeeGee

Welders in Bisbane


Hi Jen,

Australia is having real problems getting skilled labour within the Metal Trades. The shortage in Queensland/Brisbane is very high and because of this my Company are seeking labour from South East Asia. Your other half would have no trouble getting work in this area and I would be more than happy to pass on his resume to my Employers.

Please feel free to contact me via Poms in Brisbane or The BBC(Brisbane British Club) http://brit,meetup.com/246


Gary Hallam

Organiser:-The BBC(Brisbane British Club)

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Guest jen/nee

Hi Gary


I have sent you a pm not sure whether it was sent. What does your employer do? We are just finishing his TRA for approval. Would you employer look at sponsering the right applicant?





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  • 1 month later...
Guest EssextoOz

Hey there Jen, we are in the same boat as you, DH is a welder, and looking for best place to go to raise family (3 girls 7,5, and 18 months) where Dh can get work.


Just thought I would say hi, and wish you luck on your journey.



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Guest jen/nee

Hi Hayles


We were orginally thinking of Adelaide but with lots of looking and reading its seems that Brisbane, Qld, Perth are the areas that have the jobs for welders. Have you completed your TRA yet we are putting together at the moment been getting lots of advice of Poms in OZ as we are going alone without agent trying to get enough information so we get the TRA right. The application is dead straight forward for us . We sold our house last year so have no worries there. O/H has only had couple of jobs since he served his time and he has been with his last employer for the 18 yrs. When you read what other people have written they say that they have put about 80 pages together for job desription we just want to get it right. Kids are up for it they are 12yr boy 9 yr girl perfect age. I have wanted to go since I was 17 but stayed because of my mum being on her own , then 5yrs later she met my step dad, so 29 yrs on chasing my life long dream.


Keep in touch


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Guest EssextoOz

Hey Jen,


No we havent submitted our TRA yet, we only made the decision to go last night so still in early stages of investigating and research.


I am well up for it, Dh is a bit worried about leaving his Mum (although she lives in Ireland) but we have to do this for our family and us, not live our lives for others, I dont want to be the one that always say we should have done it, I would rather go and come back if it doesnt suit.


We are going to sell our house with a view to renting over there for the initial period, not sure if we will manage without an agent, but will be certainly trying!


Good luck with it all, and if you hear anything interesting for Welders do let us know, and we will do likewise.



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Guest jen/nee



we were going to use an agent been talking for 2 1/2 yrs , but the more and more you read on the forum's , as long as you O/H career has been straightforward it is pretty easy I'm thinkingand the cost of an agent! well the money is our tickets over to Oz. Teir is always some body on these sites willing to help. We have got all O/H quals just getting job desriptions done and we will have to get 1 stat dec as the his previous employer is no longer in business. We have had lots of interest from Oz but unfortunately until the TRA and visa appl is done they can't do anything for you, as your not autorised to work. One recruitment agent said once the TRA was accepted they would look to get us over on a 457 visa which is a temporary one so we are applying for a 136 so if the chance of a 457 comes up we will be able to apply along side for the perminant 136. We have both been married before so I have had to get all the marriage certificates and divorce papers, which I now have so the app is already to go once the TRA is done it will be the waiting game. Unfortunately age is creeping up on O/H as he is 43 so if we don't do it now we will not have another chance unless we win the lottery. LOL I just wish I could get on the plane tomorrow. The mining industry seems to be thebest paid anything from $100,000 to $150,000 O/H has done previous work in that field, at the moment he does work for offshore, pressure vessels etc so can take a step back if need be until we sort where we want to be. speak soon





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