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136 visa

Guest Sharon

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Guest Sharon
We are just about to apply for the 136 visa - can anyone who has actually gone through this process tell me how long it actually took to complete. The web site says 12 months but I have read on various sites that some people have completed the process within 9...just wondered if anyone could give me a real timescale that I could work to...thanks :lol:
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Guest Sarah and Neil

Hi Sharon


We have just started the visa application process, we are going along the skilled migration visa and have been told between 6 - 9 months depending on how quick we return information to the agent when its requested.


please keep in touch with any info you find and we will post anything we find to you.


We are looking now at going to Brisbane, but have no idea on areas, education and childcare (we have 2 children aged 6 & 3), where to rent when we arrive etc!!! We was originally set on adelaide and have so much info for there but don't really know where to start with brisbane!


Good Luck with the application


Sarah and Neil

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Guest Sharon

Hi Sarah


Thanks for the reply, we will be emigrating with a 2 year old and I don't know about you but I am finding the QLD education system really confusing in comparison with ours.


We lived in Australia for a year and half but that was 12 years ago, we basically backpacked around pretty much the whole of the country but spent a lot of time in Perth and Sydney, and although we love these cities Perth is bit too remote from all the other cities to live their permanently and Sydney is just too expensive. We went to Adelaide for about 2 months and stayed in Glenelg, by the beach, a really lovely, quaint place, they still had trams and one of my favourite places ever is just off the coast...Kangeroo Island, a really beautiful, unspolit place, we saw more natural wildlife there then anywhere else, but I don't know if I could live in Adelaide, seemed a bit bland, lots and lots of churches and even smoking dope is legal in bars! Bizarre.

Brisbane is great, you can fly to Sydney for long w/e's for about $80 and you have the lovely sunshine coast one side and the gold coast the other and the Barrier Reef is just up the coast. The city centre is clean, modern but still has plenty of open spaces and greenery...so you can shop and take in the views! The problem is choosing a suburb as they all look great on the internet but being in an area that has good local schools/nurseries, health facilities and shops are more important to me than how far it is to the beach etc. as I'm sure the novelty of having such great beaches on your doorstop will wear off after a year or so. I'm trying to find out what are considered the most desirable suburbs to live and work my way down from there, but not having much luck so far, as I don't know if the Aussies have snobby area's like we all do in various regions of the UK. Let me know how you get on and I'll keep you posted with my findings.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest villapom
Me, my wife and 3 kids moved to Springfield lakes 9 months ago from Birmingham. It is a brand new estate about 25 km west of the city. It has a brand new school, nursery, shops,pubs restaurants and everything else that you would want. It is going to be like a city within a city when complete.It will also have the biggest shopping mall in the southern hemisphere when that is complete in 2 years,stage 1 is open now and that is huge. We love it here and would not move for anything. Hope this has helped a bit
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Guest TheAdamsFamily

Message for Sharon and Sarah & Neil




I just read on Aussie Move that someone who applied for a 136 visa MODL on 19 January has had their visa granted - double quick time!!!!


We await TRA (just come in next week) and will lodge 136 straight after, but thought we would have about 6-12 months to prepare ourselves and our family.


As the Villa say "Be Prepared"....

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Guest villapom

How you going


It took us 11 months start to finish, but took longer because we werent married when we first started to apply, so it would of been qiucker, A mate of mine from Brum has just passed TRA and should be here soon he thinks, Where in Brum are you?,we used to live in Castle Brom

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Guest TheAdamsFamily





We are in Kings Norton. We've lived over this side of town for about 14 years. It's really nice where we are, but the not to nice bits seem to be creeping closer every day.


We have 2 young children (3 & 7 months) and want to move to Oz for them.


John is an electrician, but works on the industrial/engineering side rather than domestic, but he said he'll give anything a go (although he doesn't fancy getting into lofts with man eating spiders).


We are hoping to get the TRA in the next week or so and to get the 136 off by the end of May. We should then know if we get the visa by Chistmas so we can move over in April/May 2008 - we have to get the house sold first of course, but if we price it right it should go quickly.


How long have you been out there? How have you found settling in? How are you coping without the Villa??

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Guest villapom

How you going


We have been here 9 months, we have 3 boys (4 2 14 months) and another on the way. We moved here for the same reason and our kids love it, they play outside all the time because it is still warm here(just wish it would rain)


Your husband will get work easily but check to see if he needs any licences, cus they are licence mad over here, a bit over the top in my opinion. Im a refrigeration mechanic and i need more licences here but wasnt told of this until we got here.


I do miss the football but we have got foxtel, which is the same as sky.They show about 5 live games a weekend here.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest batman
hello,we started gathering info for our tra in sept last year(rich,sally and 3 kids) passed tra in dec,got the visa 23rd of may,so it took us nine months,but if you front load the meds and police checks i bet it could be done in 6 easy,the only problem with front loading meds is you have to be in oz 12 months from which ever date is the earliest,pcs or meds,we are hoping to ove to the sunshine coast but iam worried about the work situation ,im a baker what are the job vacancies like near you?
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Guest villapom

How are you doing


The sunshine coast is a lovely place but as it is not as commercialised as the gold coast the jobs up there seem to be mainly tourism(i may be wrong as i dont pretend to be a know all.


You should be able to get work as a baker in Brisbane as they are always in the paper or try looking at http://www.careerone.com.au or http://www.seek.com.au


Im a refrigeration mechanic by trade but now i am doing something different so you could try that too


Hope to have helped

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  • 1 month later...
Guest firewolf



Hi took us 18months start to finish but had 6 weeks to get all paper work for TRA as one of the company's had closed down, but tracked down the owner he was very helpful and still had everything i needed we all wish you every success

trevor & family

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