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Resumes Etc

Guest Resumes Etc

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Guest Resumes Etc

How many jobs will you apply for with no response, before you consider that your CV may be letting you down?

I can't stress enough the importance of having a CV (résumé) that is tailored to you- outlining your skills and highlighting your experience- while giving the reader a clear mental picture of what you can do for their company.


You only get one chance to impress the HR staff member who is sifting through hundreds, possibly thousands of applications. You need a document that doesn't draw attention for any of the wrong reasons and my goal as a qualified journalist and professional résumé writer is to make sure we do everything possible to get you further along in the process.

You only get one chance.

Don't leave that chance in the hands of someone with no writing experience or employment services background. Anyone can type up a document, but it takes a skilled and qualified writer to sum you up on paper, within two pages, in a way that makes someone want to get to know you better.

For a free appraisal and quote, email rozzieoz@gmail.com or visit my page at


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