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Guest Susan Scott

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Guest Susan Scott

Hi All, I am new to the forum. I was wondering if anyone had arrived as a UK plumber and managed to change their qualifications over to Austrailan? My hubby is a plumber and gas engineer in the UK with over 10 years experience but understands he needs to have a qld plumbing license. It appears all works different here in oz. Is anyone able to shed any light on the best way to go about this and approximately how long this may take? He has sent of for his provisional license but not heard back yet.


We are living in Shailer Park which is in between Brisbane and Gold Coast and only been here a couple of months.


Any help or advice would be massively appreciated.


Many thanks,


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Guest Keith & Linda

You would be better posting this question on the sister site 'poms in Oz' it is more widely used with heaps of good people that can help you.

But to ease your mind, it can be done but it will prove frustrating at times but stick with it and don't try to buck it........ go with the flow.

Good luck


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