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143 Visa

Guest Petina

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Guest oldun


Anyone heard about further delays for the 143 Contributary Parents Visa? I have heard that there is a huge backlog?

Hi Petina, I applied on 31/08/2013. The last I heard (a couple of months ago is that the waiting time is 18 months.

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Guest Petina
Hi Oldun, We applied at the same time! We have been told that we may hear in June/July next year, making it 22 months. This is due to a backlog of applications for other visas which have now been cancelled. Presume you have not had your medicals/police checks done? We have been told to have them done at Easter next year. We sit and wait.................
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Guest oldun

Hi Petina, that is interesting, I will check with my agent. I am going to wait until the CO has been allocated and requests the medical and police checks, as I believe the visa timeline starts from the date of the police check. We intend to go out within the first year so that will give us a bit longer to sell up etc. Where do you think you are heading for? We are looking (seriously) at Caloundra.



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Guest Petina
Hi Chris, likewise, we will not be doing medical/police checks until a CO has been allocated - whenever that may be. The checks expire after one year. Once we have received the letter of acceptance (fingers crossed that all goes well) we will then put the house on the market. Caloundra is a lovely place on the Sunshine Coast. We have been looking around trying to find somewhere close, but not too close to our son and daughter. We actually quite like Ballina, in NSW as it ticks a lot of boxes. We usually stay on the Gold Coast whilst in Australia. Whereabouts do you live in UK? Are your family near Caloundra? Anita
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Hi Anita,

We live in Fareham (near Southampton). My son lives in Brisbane, he transferred to the Oz army in April and got his citizenship, and my daughter lives in Perth - she has been out there for about three years and just got her residency. We always liked the Brisbane area, so that was what our decision was based on, and like you close enough without being too close to Shaun. Still a good plane ride from Louise, but still closer than from here! We haven't been back to Oz since about '98 when we drove all the way around (and also down to Alice) but loved it there. I've not been to Caloundra but, again, as you say it appears to tick the boxes - however when we get there we can change if we want.

We are doing exactly as you, when everything is done and dusted the house goes on the market and when it is sold we move out (the good thing is that having the year means there is no pressure and can't be held to 'ransom' over the sale).

Where are you in the UK? You sound like quite regular visitors to Oz.



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Guest Petina

Hi Chris,

Peter and I live in Lymington in the New Forest. Our son also lives in Brisbane, married to an aussie girl. Our daughter and family live in Helensvale (about an hour from Brisbane). Both son and daughter have children so yes, we go out there quite often. As well as a UK police check, I have to have an Aussie police check as I have been there for a total of 1 year, within the last 10 years!! My parents (both dead now) lived out there, as do my brothers and sister. Have you filled out the dreaded Form 80 yet?

We are keeping our fingers crossed that the exchange rate is in our favour, by the time we sell the house......


Bye for now



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Hi Anita,


I have just contacted our agent to find out about the timeline, so will let you know what they say. Did you go through an agent or as a 'do it yourself'. We went with Go Matilda, which totally by coincidence turned out to be Southampton based. And yes, we have had the pleasure of the Form 80 - as an added bonus just before we completed it they added an extra 2 pages! I was going through passports, diving logs, vaccination paperwork etc to get dates, as we have done quite a lot of travel over the past 10 years.

Shaun has a son aged 2 and one due in September and Louise has a boy aged about a month! Again, one of the main reasons for going out there, although we both loved the place when we traveled there many moons ago. That is so familiar, what you say about the exchange rate. It is much better than when we applied - I think it was about 1.65 at that time, and did climb to about 1.96 at one stage (here's hoping.......).

Lymington is a very nice place, I used to do a lot of driving around the New Forest a couple of years ago when I had a job with Landrover.

I will let you know when I hear from the agent.

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Guest Petina

Hi Chris,

Any news from Go Matilda? We are with them as well but haven't contacted them for a while. Where in Brisbane does your son live?



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Hi Anita,

I heard from them yesterday, as below


"I have heard of application that was lodged in February 2013 and they have been contacted by a pre Case Officer team (never heard of this before) last week.

So the application has still not been allocated a Case Office, the email is only from a preparation team.

Otherwise no other movement at all.


I sent an email to WA Parents team as well last week and got the message below in an automated reply:

Due to the high volume of applications received, it is currently taking approximately 18 months from receiving an application for a contributory parent visa application until the assessment stage. The current processing date is February 2013. When your application is allocated to a case officer for assessment, they will contact you or your authorised recipient to advise the next stage of processing. Please note that we generally receive between 250 and 300 applications a month so if you lodged an application in that month but have not yet heard from us be assured we will get to you. If your application was lodged after this date, assessing will not have commenced.

Best regards,



That sounds to me like it has been put back if pre-case officers have been allocated, just to prep an application. I have asked Wendy to keep me up to date on it as she hears anything.


That is an interesting question about where Shaun lives - in these days of Skype and 'paperless' cards I have never actually asked him what his address is!! I will find that out as it would be quite handy to know.




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Hi Chris,

That's interesting....it is all a waiting game isn't it? I look at it as giving me more time to clear the clutter!



Hi Anita,

We are the same, within reason I don't mind a couple of extra months to get things sorted (I might even get another skiing season out of it. Shaun lives in the Forest Lake area of Brisbane.



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