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How long before we can apply residency?

Guest wheezie

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Guest wheezie

hi, was speaking to another brit today who was saying all visa regulations changed and we now have to wait 5 yrs before we can apply for our residency. we came over in Jan 08 on a BN 136. this was granted to us in Sept 07. All the paperwork was approved in Oct 2006 so i dont know if this makes a difference. (we had to postpone it a bit as i was due to have a baby.) I always thought we could apply after 2 yrs but now i am not so sure. Looked at DIMA website and couldnt find anything. Any help or info on who will know this greatly appreciated.



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It goes off the date you entered the country.It was a 2 yr wait but changed mid 2007 and you now have to do 4 years.The citizenship test must also be passed before applying ,hope this helps

Cal x

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