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moving to townsvile

Guest mazysnips

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Guest mazysnips

Hi guys in townsville. my family and myself are hopefully moving to townsville later this year i was wondering if anyond could give us an idea on cost of living and good family places to live and any other good advice that you can give

Would be great thanks in advanve

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Good luck with your move to Townsville later in the year. We have been in Townsville since December 2010, it's beautiful here! The weather does take some getting used to, it's very humid between Dec - March but for the rest of the year is mostly great! Just make sure when you choose somewhere to live it is fully airconditioned. We live in Annandale, which is a lovely suburb, 10 minutes into the CBD and to 3 of the large shopping centres - Castletown, Stockland and Willows. It has plenty of local shops, loads of sporting facilities and lovely walking and cycling tracks along the river. Other nice suburbs are Fairfield Waters, Northward and there is lots of development going on in the Northern beaches area - Northshore and Bushland Beach. These are further out, around 30 mins from CBD, the other thing to remember with these areas is during the wet season the main route into the CBD very often gets flooded. You will find the cost of living high when you first arrive, but you do get used to it and the higher wages make up for it, but you do find yourself continually converting back to pounds when you first arrive! Hope this helps!

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Guest mazysnips

hi LCE


Thanks for your great advice we have been looking at Annandale it looks like a great place to live,and yes i heard full air con is a must.I will be working in castletown so Annandale sounds like a good all round place to live.We have all our papers in immigration hands and they have told us it will be 5-7 months so fingers crossed.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest TrAcynpeye
Hi everyone, we are thinking of moving to Townsville or cairns from Brisbane, from uk originally, only been out here 6 months but my 457 has not worked out and we want to move away from Brisbane to a smaller place, but still iLife Qld as like the climate.i am an RN and am awaiting interviews for cairns and Townsville. My husband Pete's a psych. Nurse am not sure if enough work for him in cairns, have two children , age 16 and11, older child not settled here. Having to move again so soon after moving here is a nightmare, but if I could get any advice from people that live in cairns or TV or have done so recently, that would be great. Any news from nurses working in cairns base or TV hosp would be useful, as to what the hospitals are like wouldlso be good. Alo about schools, suburbs, rental prices etc any help t all to make up our mind as we just want to settle.thanks again
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Sorry to hear things have not worked out so far for you, try not to worry too much as sometimes these things happen for a reason. We were in exactly the same position as you just over 18 months ago. We had been in Brisbane for 18 months, our daughter who was 18 then had not really settled when due to my husbands job we had to relocate to Townsviile, and for us it is the best thing that could of happened! It's beautiful up here, very different to Brisbane, a much smaller place and no big city, you can drive to any part of Townsville within 30 minutes. Our daughter is a different person, has settled so well, made lots of great friends and she absolutely loves it here! If your son is in to sports he will be fine there are loads of facilities. The rental market is busy here due to the large army base but there is plenty available. For a 4 bedroom property you are looking at between $400 - $500 per week. A few suburbs I personally would not look at are Kelso, Garbutt and Rasmussen. We are in Annandale which is lovely, but there are plenty of lovely areas and good schools. Hope this helps!

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Guest TrAcynpeye

Thankyou LCE for your reply, I am glad things have worked out for you, it's just the waiting that's diffiicult, I hope to hear about the interviews in Cairns & Tville this week. It's just that if it wasn't,t for the 457 visa thing I wouldn,t worry, hopefully I will get offered something . Townsville does sound nice, have you been to cairns, is there much difference? I dare not think of the alternative, which is back on the plane to the UK, that is not an option for us , let you know how things go. Thanks again for replying


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I have been to Cairns for a holiday, it is lovely, much bigger than Townsville and tourism is a huge part of the area, but not sure on the best area for hospitals though! Good luck for your interviews, hope you get the news you want very soon!
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  • 3 months later...
i lived in townsville for 2.5 years the weather is great my partner was from there and i had relatives there i did find it bait provincial though and think if i went back to oz it would have to be a bigger city i love qld so think brissie am from brighton UK can any other expats recommend
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  • 1 year later...
Hi, ive been researching on which suburb to live in as we are hoping to move there next year. We are still in London and have never been in australia.My partner and i are both chefs and we have a 20 month old daughter so i am hoping u can give us a little insight on our move. Im also a bit freaking out about the snakes, spiders and crocs in australi, have any of you encountered these? Thanks...
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