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step child question

Guest dawn c

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Guest dawn c

i need help..i live in france at the mo hoping to move to brisbane next year..i have 3 children my oldest aged 13 is from a previous marriage i was given a consent order to leave the uk and move to france 5 years ago..but the contact details mentions france so my agent is a bit concerned that the australian visa people will need more ..i will need to return to court to get this changed ..my problem is that my ex husband hasnt made contact with me or my daughter in the last 5 years ( his choice)..ideally we need his consent so i wrote to him ..as i thought he wont give it ..so i have to face court again ...has anybody gone through anything like this and what was the outcome ..my daughter is very upset and dosent want to see her father ...but we need to get this sorted before we proceed ..

any help advice will be great xx

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