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best money changer in brisbane

Guest motorola

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Guest motorola
Hi, As of now, 22 Jan 2014 8.30pm, I AUD buys about 0.886 USD. So far, all the money changers I found only give at most 0.85 USD. Does anyone know moneychanger with decent exchange rate for USD? thanks
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Guest Keith & Linda

Afraid not, the rate normally stated is the bank rate, the tourist rate is always 4 or 6 cents lower, also be aware of fees/charges as well as the exchange rate.

I now have a 28 degrees credit card, its a fee free card, has some of the best exchange rates and if you load it up then you can draw cash out anywhere and not get charged a cash advance fee, though you still need to be aware that there could be ATM fees, so larger withdrawals will limit the number of fees. I got this card after having nothing but trouble with those travel cards you pre load.


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Guest Shelley McGonigal
Who have you tried? I have used ozforex since I have been in Australia - I also have a deal with them through my website for you to get two free transactions. Let me know if you want more details.
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